Thursday, November 01, 2007

These are our beautiful pumpkins. I still think mine are the best. Mine is the one on the top right of the table and the other one is the one on the bottom right underneath the table. As you can see my skeleton is pretty awesome. My other pumpkin, if you can't tell, has my name, a smily, and my favorite band all written on it. The one in the center below the table is Jonathan's little pumpkin that he made along with the one on the left of it. The one on the top of the table with the weird face that is carved is Kaylee's pumpkin. The spider on the ground is my dad's. It looks kind of weird, but oh well. The weird thing next to it is a pumpkin that Kaylee messed up. She named it 'Name That Pumpkin'. Personally, I have no idea what it is, but oh well.


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